Nov 08, 2007 22:07
Hey all,
Well im signed off for another three weeks *yawnsome* - Officially bored and just wanting to get back to the having of a relativly normal life!
One without tummy aches and hospital vists and lots and lots of pills!!!
But on a brighter note, I got back the grade from my very first peice of Forensics coursework!!
It reads as follows:
Part 1 - Actual Crime Scene
Preserve and prevent contamination of crime scene - 5/8 marks
Search techniques - 3/4 Marks
Recording techniques - 4/8 Marks
Part Two - Case Study 1
Recognition of good forensic practice - 8/8
Details of these good forensic features - 6/6
Evaluation of forensic features - 6/6
Part 3 - Case Study 2
Recognition of bad forensic practices - 8/8
Details of these bad forensic practices - 6/6
Evaluation of these forensic mistakes - 6/6
Grammer and Correct Referencing - 3/5
Overall grade DISTINCTION 81%
I rock i rock i rock i rock!!!!!!!!
Yay - *lil dance*
Other then that not any thing to say!!!!!!!