Dec 25, 2009 11:22
Blah, I cant believe its another xmas. This year has fucking flown by...
Im actually relieved and ready for holidays to be DONE. i have never been so stressed this time of the year than I have this time. Seems like everyone in this wanna be city called orlando has been a fucking maniac! Work has been kicking my ass plus worrying about getting the new album pressed and selling tickets for the swamp comp show (which was great fun!) and agent orange show on top of it (which im not worried about pre selling for or impressing firestone at this point. that place fuckin sucks anyway!) but Im relieved the madness is almost done. I wasnt feeling it this year.
Not to be a scrooge but yeah just to be one a bit, it hasnt felt very xmas-y to me much. Maybe its cause The real world has just sucked a little too much lately...nah that always just happy its almost over. then work wont be so fucking crazy. Although I did dress up like santa and take photos with the dogs and cats....which is a lil harder than it sounds but always worth a good laugh.
The only thing that kicked me into a bit of holiday spirit were a couple things this year. This past Wednesday as I was grocery shoping with morg helping me out, walk back to my car to load up my stuff which i had to park at the end of the side of the place which was right near the back loading dock.
now my mom is into the holiday celebration shit and decorating and stuff. but this year it was hard for any of us to get that motivated. on top of it being the first xmas with out my father here with us, I know theres just been lots and lots for us to worry about. so with that, this kinda of seemed to happened on a moment of 'ment to be' or something if you may say.
one thing we didnt do was get a tree....which i think we have just had a fake one the last two years but this year no tree at all till this.
Im loading my car then i look to the side of the publix building to see a tall tree sitting by itself leaning against the wall. I say to morg 'hey! that looks like a free tree!' seriously it didnt look like anyone was coming for it, like it was just tossed on the side for anyone who'd want the last tree no one else did. morg just says 'lets strap it on the car' it was funny. It was tall and a little ugly to the sense that it wasnt shaped evenly, like the middle was fuller than the bottom. but it was super tall and the needles were barely falling of off it. It was almost like finding a tree in charlie browns christmas except even for it being a lil ugly, its nothing compared to that stick of a tree in that movie. Im sure Charley brown would shit bricks over this one.
that night we drank with andrew and jess and before the left the helped me bring it in the garage. I was going to set it up later that night so mom could be surprised. but after everyone was gone and I finsihed my last drink, i steped outside to take a piss then walked in to her with the door open seeing it in surprise. Not how I wanted her to see it but she was still surprised. the smile on her face at least made me happy.
thats my christmas tree story!! I just felt lucky to bring a bit of holiday cheer to the house for mother. also we got to sit down last night and have a dinner with our close neighbor (pretty much family) Brian.
but all in all, FUCK IT! haha to all my friends that have to work today I feel your pain. Ill be on the clock in a couple hours. for anyone down in the dumps ive been there up till today but with a gb waiting for me ill at least say today im thankful for what i do have. theres alot out there with alot worst or alot leass.