Feb 04, 2009 11:24
Monday night went no better than Saturday or Sunday, possibly worse. After getting a couple of hours sleep in early Kathryn spent the whole night with Libby so I could try and get some sleep and by the time I was woken up for the last time (Kat'd woken me for help in the night) she was in a bit of a state - Libby hadn't managed to settle all night and by 0430 Kat couldn't take any more. I took Libby from Kat so she could get a couple of hours sleep before I went to work and managed to get her down. However, when it came time for me to get out of the house and go to work, I managed to get half dressed and then fell asleep where I was. It was 0920 before I woke up again and Mr V kindly allowed me to work from home again. This did mean that Kat could get some more sleep. The day passed well enough with Libby sleeping the sleep of the just and Kat sleeping the sleep of the just knackered. When it came to the evening Kat went to bed at 2130 (it's fun being a new parent) and I promised to wake her to feed at 2300. I lied. I bottlefed Libby and Kat managed to sleep through till 0130 before she realised. Through all this Libby was sleeping in twenty minute stints, so at least she was sleeping and once Kat had fed her at 0300 she did finally settle for the night.
The other (more interesting) news is that my parents called me yesterday and explained that they didn't feel up to going into London and seeing the Strictly Come Dancing tour tonight so did I want the tickets back? I spoke to Kat's parents and we're managed to arrange that Kat's going to go with them (Mary and Peter were going originally) and Paul (Kats dad) is going to drive them all and use my ticket. Well someone has to stay with Libby.
I don't mind.