IAVP roundup! And things!

Jan 22, 2006 12:19

Thank you so much for your comments on my IAVP vidlets. I had fun talking with you all, and along with the vidding itself, your feedback helped me learn a great deal in such a short time.

For ease of catching up, here are direct links to every vidlet - all DivX AVIs. I'm also linking to the original posts so you can read my comments during the process.

Day 1: My Band (10.6 MB) - AI Team - for sdwolfpup [ original post]

Day 2: Cold Cold Heart (14.5 MB) - Angel/Lindsey - for renenet [ original post]

Day 3: Love Is Nothing (13.6 MB) - Fred/Gunn - for sisabet [ original post]

Day 4: Busted (11 MB) - Angel/Spike - for linzeems [ original post]

Day 5: What You Don't Know About Women (12.3 MB) - Buffy, Darla, Angel - for _par_avion [ original post]

Day 6: A Pain That I'm Used To (10 MB) - Illyria - for nerdanel [ original post]

Day 7: Firecracker (9.63 MB) - Lindsey/Darla - for pipsqueaky [ original post]

Day 8: Angel (10.9 MB) - Angel/Spike - for _sharvie_ [ original post]

Day 9: Long Haired Child (16.1 MB) - Angel, Connor - for sweetestdrain [ original post]

Day 10: Darts Of Pleasure (9.96 MB) - Angel/Wes - for anoel [ original post]

Day 11: Speculum (10.1 MB)- Angel/Spike - for amavel_bel [ original post]

Day 12: Grapefruit Moon (13.8 MB)- Angel/Cordy - for dualbunny [ original post]

Please feel free to leave your thoughts or questions here or on the original posts. Like _par_avion said, it's all one big experiment, so help me learn, y'all!

sisabet: what didya learn?
f1renze: um! LOTS
sisabet: hee
sisabet: process later
sisabet: rest now
f1renze: since my version was monofandom, the biggest challenge was coming up with a new twist/angle/look every day.
f1renze: especially for requests that have been done quite a bit before
f1renze: i got more demanding of this later in the project than earlier
f1renze: because i, too, wanted to work on a fresh idea each time, no matter how small
f1renze: i loved how it made me *finish* every night. i was forced to be resourceful and stuff.
sisabet: and you are learning to let some things go
f1renze: yeah, in favor of the things that had priority
sisabet: which is good when you overperfectionize to the point of danger for the vid
f1renze: yes
sisabet: cause sometimes there is the wibble that kills
sisabet: you were allowed none of that
sisabet: you didn't have time for that
sisabet: or if you did
sisabet: 15 minutes tops
f1renze: yeah
f1renze: and i liked the practice of determining my *intent* for myself, because everything had to be constrained to make more sense.

That's the short answer for now, I guess! I'll probably have more to share when I've recovered. ;)

And now, a POLL.

Poll f1renze's IAVP 2006!

Finally, I did my own ratings of the vidlets just for fun, and to remember my pain and suffering in labor these babies. ::wipes tear::

Flo's IAVP 2006 awards!

These categories are about what happened during the process, not the resulting vidlet, so they have more to do with circumstances (jetlag! tea overdose!) and my own expectations/delusions than anything else. Thanks to sweetestdrain for some of the criteria. Feel free to suggest more!

The vidlet that...

Made me smile: "Love Is Nothing"

Made me weep: "Long Haired Child"

Made me dance in my chair: "My Band"

Made me want to stab myself: "Speculum"

Made me applaud the timeline: "Darts of Pleasure"

Made me sigh deeply and fix another cup of tea: "A Pain That I'm Used To"

Made me revise an idea about a character or storyline: "Long Haired Child"

Gave me insomnia: "Busted"

Put me to sleep: "Firecracker"

Made me question my music habits: "Cold Cold Heart" tied with "What You Don't Know About Women"

Challenged my aesthetics - narrative: "Long Haired Child"

Challenged my aesthetics - cutting style: "What You Don't Know About Women"

Made me stare two inches away from the monitor like a crazy person: "A Pain That I'm Used To"

Made me question my existence: "Angel"

Gave me closure: "Grapefruit Moon" (And not just because it was last.)

Thank you, thank you. Yay!

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