(no subject)

Apr 20, 2007 08:02

well....looks like i will be building the house. Very bitter sweet for me. I am excited to be able to see this dream unfold, but dissapointed to walk away from another. I was certain that I would at least be able to make a decision between the two but it was made for me. I'd like to think it was because I was over qualified. Not sure if I will ever know for sure.

I feel drained. I didn't sleep last night and combined with the weight of the Seattle thing now off of my shoulders, I am tired. Maybe to bed early tonight.

Its going to be interesting to see what happens with D. He had stated at one point that he wasn't all that excited about long distance relationships. But he also sent me a card that said even without the job, he wants to stay in touch. We might plan something over Memorial Day. I already wish we were closer.
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