havent update since before christmas but ive been a busy little bee! i hope everyone had themselves a good holiday. now the world can get back to normal and i can stop spending so much money loll. christmas was okay for me i got the sewing machine that i wanted, and electric toothbrush, guitar hero world tour and some timbaland boots from my daddy-o. i didnt really want anything this year besides my sewing machine (which im puttin to good use). everythign else i could have really wanted ive gotten yself over the past few months. but anyhoo! christmas dinner was good. better then thanksgiving actually.
new years was fun too. went to a party with brant and alyssa. it was full of zbt (frat) boys and their girlfriends loll. it wasnt the dopest party ive ever been too but it was alright. the host even proposed to his gf at midnight which was SOOO cute may i add. made me want a boytoy evennn more.
the days before, in between,and afer christmas and new years has been very hectic. but its been a lot of fun chillen with some of my closes friends in brooklyn.
OH YEAH. lets not foget a little thing i like to call my birthday. yupp on december 28th i turned 20. it was okay. i didnt do much on the actual DAY but my friends are taking meoutot lunch tomorrow and getting me drunk like a true alcoholic.
i gotta stop drinking so much.
u know its bad when ur getting drnk at 2 in teh afternoon loll.
but now that ive turned 20 i just wanna turn 21. as long as im gonna be an old fart id like to be an old fart who can legally drink please.
so far its been a good winter break and ive been really happy. the other day i sat on my friends roof (coughgothighcough) and watched the sun go down. it was pretty sweet. thats pretty much an example of how my breks been going. relaxation to the max.
or i WAS really relaxed until i found out i got an F in my of classes. yes an F. ive never gotten an F before in my LIFE. lets say thank u to mr. vodka for that. i fucked that class up so bad its not even funny. funny thing is i got A's and B's in all myother classes sooo.... yeah.
it happens every semester. one bad grade int he midst of four or five other awesome grades.
the problem is that that F fucks up my GPA and nwo i cant be active i my honor society. i think i should be okay in terms of my sorority but we'll see about that.
me=total failure
oh im also in massive amounts of personal and school related debt.
im like a walking teenage (ahem young 20 year old) stereotype
i gotta get my shit together
and i gotta help my brother get his shit together for school too or else he want be going next semester either.
so much too do. so little time.
i really hope i do okay next semester. i cant fuck it up again.
and all my fin aid and stuff for school better go thru smoothly
and i wish i could stop looking at pictures of me and vincent
its not good for my psyche.
hes a douchebag to the fullest.
btw i got some new lj friends (hi! :P) and just some basic (some obvious) facts about moi!
name: danielle
age: 20 (duh)
residence: brooklyyyyyyyyyyn!
school: university of hartford (in connecticut)
year: junior
major: public relations and politics
screename:brooklyn2bound (feel free to IM me any time just let me know ur from lj first loll)
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=19877703feel free to add me if u wish!
okay im seriously done now. hope u guys had a great start to 2009!