
Sep 02, 2011 23:04

Character name: Ventus (prefers Ven)
Character series: Kingdom Hearts (Birth By Sleep)
Backtagging: Backtagging all day every day~
Threadhopping: Always and forever. Anything for more interaction!
Fourthwalling: Go for it. I think I break the fourthwall in the narrative like every other tag.
Hugging this character: He is very much a friendship freak, so there shouldn’t be any problems here.
Kissing this character: Probably less OK since he’s kind of got the mentality of a child and stunted growth of some sort blah blah KH is silly. I suppose if there’s already a relationship established?
Flirting with this character: You can go for it, but he will probably be a derp and not get it. Which can be entertaining in its own right.
Fighting with this character: He IS a Keyblade Warrior after all, so go for it! I loves playing me some fight scenes.
Injuring this character: Like the above, go for it. He’s a tough little thing~ . I find having to deal with them more entertaining than I should.
Killing this character: Tower of Animus is the only game I’m in so far, and there it’s pretty OK. It would be fitting since I can’t count how many times I got to that game over screen while playing BBS.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Once again, go for it, but here’s where it might get sketchy. He’s had memory screw ups and mind…screw ups in the past, and heart damage (which by KH standards, pretty much amounts to more brain damage), so he might not react to it well, like how an overactive immune system won’t react well to pollen. He’s also got a super powered evil side named Vanitas lurking in his mind/heart/whathaveyou, so that would also make things preeeetty confusing. So, continue at your own peril.


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