Years ago I had PSP and it was great as a start.I'm glad I had it before PS because it's easier to use...but IMO it's time for you to get PS you gonna love it!It offers a lot more possibilities.
it is easy to use and have discovered some new colors for it and their pretty but i've always wanted PS and i have not been able to download it and IDK why, did you buy it or DL it? cause it you DL'ed it, maybe you could tell me from where, every site won't let me LOL
My boyfriend gave it to me and I would have loved to do the same for you but it's a french version. I think he gets it from torrentz I'm pretty sure you can find it there.
Aww it's okay, i got Utorrent a few days ago and just went to a torrents site and trying to DL PS CS3 cause i heard it's like the greatest and I'm seeing if it works, i hope so!
Do you just DL it from torrent and let the torrent you got just like instal it?
you love making arts too? i do, Except i use Paint Shop Pro but am trying to get Photoshop (download it) wish i could LOL.
Do you just DL it from torrent and let the torrent you got just like instal it?
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