OMG I don't think i've ever had so much fun in my life till lastnight especially with these ladies and this gentleman:Miles.
alright they came over last night like at around 10pm and just hung out. they came home with wendy's [yayness!]. so yeah we all ate in my living room believe me i've got a wierd LR. can you believe it there;s a bed in it, ok so back to what i was saying. jessica hasn;t seen me since she drove me home from school one day and i was wearing nothing but a skirt and a pink shirt oh yeah and with some black chucks oh yeah. anyways so yeah we hugged and she made me fall down on the bed which was fun and it was fun. jess pretended to rape me omfg I <3 Jessica! Not to mention the friends she brought along. see i knew miles from before like we hung out like twice. so miles,kim, and ashley came over aswell and we had ober fun! we took weird pics and well i'm not really much of a piccy person so i sat out most of em all though i was invited to. plus i didn't know if i was really wanted to take pics with em since i've only met them once but i realised that these girls are just having fun and want to as well so just loosin up don't be so uptight so by the end of the night i did loosin up and by goodness i was one of the life's of the party mhm. then they had to leave and we all hugged and were like omfg no don't leave. so yeah after it all miles called me like at 12:.30am and we talked the night away.i've never really opened up to someone so well not even my own mother and there i found myself pooring everything out to some friend that i've only hung out with twice and vice versa..and i know i could really trust him cus you know, it's miles.
miles, ashley, and jessica talk about booty-licious
jessica raping me
ashley, miles, kim they're FAB-U-LOUS!
Miles, and ashley
miles and his "rape me" pose
ashley,kim and kims big tetas
talk about a good work out [miles and ashley]
kim, jessica, and ashley "the show girs"
jessica, ashley, and kim "giddy up cowgril"
so tomorrow night we might be going to the drive in oh yeah miles jessica and a whole lot a ppl. yeah miles and i have to hide in the freakin trunk how fun yeah?. and james will be taking miles and i to the mall tomorrow after he takes his senior pics. but he can't go to the drive in cus of him he has to go church. so yeah there goes james. anyways the other night my parents were out of town and you know the rule when they're gone "no boys!" . yeah well i was kind of a bad girl and snuck him into my room. yeah he didn't have to jump a window nor a fence cus the fence is easy to open and i have those big sliding window doors ha yeah so we were just chilling there on my bed watching house of a thousand corpses. it was fun then miles called and we had fun with him for a while. then 4 o'clock [a.m.] came along and he was falling asleep and so was i. so he went home and i fell asleep like a baby. lol
<333 love you all