Sep 04, 2006 17:47
I don't ever sleep during the day, but when I do I have the most bizarre dreams. I ended up taking a nap because I had to wake up hella early this morning. I decided to write my dream down before I forgot.
So it started when I saw this girl who was really mean to me in elementary school named Adele Duran. Because of her meanness, I ended up slashing her tires and sleeping with her husband (in that order) and both of these actions resulted in her life being ruined.
I told my friends consisting of Kayla, Sherine and Sarah Jessica Parker what had happened. Kayla and SJP didn't think it was as funny as Sherine I did, typical. Anyway, so the next thing I know is that I am watching a news report. I see my picture. I find out that Adele turned me in for sexual assault on her.
I called Sherine immediately. She said that she already heard about it and that SJP and Kayla both went to the cops and told them that they heard me talking about the assault. Sherine told me that she knew a place where I could hide out for awhile. When I met her, for some reason we decided we needed to go get some coffee at Starbucks before she showed me the hideout. Unfortunately Starbucks had stopped accepting cash and so we tried to pay with debit/credit cards. Unfortunately we found out that all of our assets had been frozen to prevent us from fleeing the country. In my dream, the Government really takes shit seriously.
Anyway, we ran to the ATM write by the store and Sherine went into the little Kiosk. When she put her card in, lights started flashing and a cage came down and then all of a sudden there police sirens so I ran for it.
I hid out in the fields for awhile. My cousin called me and she wanted to go into the mountains. We went to the mountains, where I ended up telling her about the incident. At that moment, a few members of a SWAT team came out because apparently the SWAT team had been following her. I jumped in the river and swam to safety. That's when I woke up.