Here we go

May 13, 2006 23:16

The weekend is upon me, which means that I oficially have time to internet.

I have been meaning to tell eveyone about this little argument that I had with this guy at work. I don't know if you know what hapened before, so I'll set up the story. Okay, so you all know what happened as far as my desk went. I'm referring to when my pictures of Jake Gyllenhaal were ripped down and were never to be seen again. Well, a few days after that, my friend Sherine was telling Debbie, this lady who work at my job, about what had happened. She called me that night upset because both Debbie and Michael (this mormon freak) had both condoned what had happened with my desk. I could hear the frustration in her voice and I kind of felt bad because I wasn't there to help fight my own battle.

But I sort of got my chance the other day. In Ezzackly fashion, I have been just ignoring Michael. I haven't even given him the satisfaction of eye contact. If he says something to me, I either try to pretend I didn't hear him or I give him a one-word response. Sometimes when I do things like this I am afraid that people don't really notice. I feel like my behavior may sometimes just be for my benefit, so I feel like I am doing something. Well at least this time, Michael did notice that I had been ignoring him.

He had to set between Sherine, so I guess the act of ignoring him was a little bit more obvious than normal because he usually sits on the other side of the group of cubicles our department has. Anyway he says, "David are you mad at me?" He has this really nice gently way of talking. He has this lispy thing he does too that just annoys the piss out of me. I told him, "Do I have any reason to be mad at you?" basically, to see if he would admit to it. He said, "Nothing that I can think of." I responded, "Then I guess I'm not." He told me that I could be mad at him for a number of reasons that he couldn't be sure of. I then asked him, "So are you saying I would be mad at you for no reason." He said no and left it at that for awhile.

In the meantime, I whispered over to Sherine, trying to get some guidance, "Michael keeps asking me if I am mad at him." In the great Sherine way that I have grown to love, she says, "If he ask again just tell him." So I decided to. I honestly didn't think that he would ask again. I thought that the subject was dropped and that he would continue to stare off in space with that blank, glazed over look many religious freaks tend to have.

But of course I was wrong. He said, "See David... You could me mad at me for the way I am and I wouldn't even be aware of it." I took a deep breath, trying to get myself prepared. Finally I said, "Do you really want to know why I am mad at you? I am mad at you because you thought that the incident that happened at my desk with my pictures was okay." I really enjoyed the following interaction because I had Sherine who had witnessed it right there and she piped in when I needed her but she let me do the rest.

He told me that he thought that what had happened at my desk was okay because if he were sitting there he would have been uncomfortable with my pictures because they are and I quote, "excessively homosexual." I about lost it right there. I said, "So let me get this straight, if these pictures were on Sherine's desk, we wouldn't be having this conversation because she's female and these pictures are only homosexual if they are on a man's desk?" He basically agreed with that. He explained further that not everyone agrees with that lifestyle. Like that was a reason. I told him that there was nothing sexual about my pictures they were of Jake. There was no nudity, no sexual pose, he doesn't even have his shirt off in any of them.

Anyway he finally said, "Well I hope this will all blow over and we can be friends again." I responded, "There was a time when I would consider ignorant people. That was when I was one. But I'm not like that anymore." I continued by saying that I would act civil to him but would probably ignore him like everyone else I can't stand. I mean how could he expect me to associate with him when he has a fundamental disdain for who am? Being gay isn't just an attribute: It's who I am.
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