Random Vam fic, Part II

Jun 29, 2005 17:18

Title: Random Vam fic, Part II

Disclaimer: Nope, don't own 'em.

*The next morning*

I awake to sunlight beaming down on me through the window. I must've forgotten to close the curtains last night. I try to roll over to get out of the unneccisarily bright light but find myself unable to do so. That's when I notice the unfamiliar weight on me. I open an eye to investigate.

Ville is pressed up against me with his back to my chest. One of my arms is wrapped tightly around his waist, my hand clasped in his, our fingers intertwined. I can tell from his rythmic breathing that he is still asleep.

'Well, this is new,' I think. Not that it's a big deal, mind you. Had this been any other guy, I probably would've screamed, jumped about 10 feet in the air, and gotten as far away from the bed as I could. I think that the fact that this is Ville and not somebody else is what is keeping me from freaking out. Which, once again, raises the question of why that is. Oh, well...

I lift my head a few inches off the pillow to look at my digital alarm clock. Almost noon.


No responce.


"Nnnh...what?" he croaks.

"It's almost noon. Time to get up."

He tries to roll over to face me but finds himself trapped, much like I had moments ago. I loosen my grip so he can face me. "Do I have to?" he whines, emerald eyes pleading with me.

"Yeah. And as much as I'd love to stay in bed all day, Ape will be in here to wake us up in a little bit anyway."

Ville cuddles closer to me and sighs contently. "Just a few more minutes..."

I don't argue. I bury my face into his hair again and inhale deeply. I can still smell whatever shampoo he'd showered with yesterday. Mmm. Rasberry. I tighten my grip around his thin waist, reveling in the warmth his body giving off. I take a moment to study Ville; His long, naturally curly brown hair, his full, pink lips, heavy-lidded eyes, deathly pale skin...It was all too much to take in at one time.

Ville has obviously fallen back to sleep and I find that my free hand is begining to move of its own accord. It slides down to rest on Ville's protruding hipbone for a moment before it slips under the hem of the red shirt he is still wearing. All the while, my mind is blissfully blank; all I can see, hear, smell, and focus on is the man in my arms. My hand travles upward and I trace his ribs with an index finger. He shivers. My thumb accidentally brushes across one of his nipples, which hardens under the brief touch. He lets out a quiet, almost inaudiable moan in his sleep and I feel...something hard against my thigh. My eyes widen in shock and I am brought back down to earth. Oh god, is that what I think it is? My mind is racing a mile a minute, my thoughts becoming a complete blur.

And then...

My door opens and April comes in. "Bam, time to get up." She pokes me sharply in the side a few times, making me squirm. She knows I hate that.

"Don't..." I whine.

"Then get up."

I sigh. "Okay, okay..." No use arguing, I rationalize. I release Ville from my grip and roll out of bed. This movement has woken him. He slowly opens his eyes and stares up at both of us.

"Good morning, Ville," April says sweetly. I swear, if she was given the chance, April wouldn't hesitate to trade me in for Ville.

"'Morning," he mumbles.

"Do you boys want anything for breakfast?"

I mutter and wave an hand dismissively; I really didn't want her in here right now. And neither did Ville, apparently. He sits up, looking annoyed breifly before he smiles plesantly at April. "I'm not hungry, thank you. But a cup of coffee would be nice."

April smiled back. "Sure, sweety. Bam? Do you want anything?"

I mumble again. She rolls her eyes. "Okay, whatever. If you change your mind, I'll be downstairs." And then she was gone, leaving Ville and I alone again.

Ville sighs, standing. My eyes wander down his body, almost unconsciously, and I see the unmistakable tent in his tight jeans. I feel myself blushing. Did I cause that?

He turns his back to me and sheds his shirt. "I really need a shower..." he murmurs. He tosses the shirt onto the bed and looks over his shoulder at me. "Are you okay? You're blushing."

"Am not," I snap back childishly.

He smirks. "You are so!"

I shrug. "Pfft, whatever..." I roll over so he can't see the crimson growing across my cheeks.

"Well, I'll be in the shower if you need me. In other words, if you need me, tough." He tussles my hair playfully before exiting the room to use the shower down the hall.

After a few minutes, I hear the shower water turn on. Another few pass, and I hear something else. Something that was definetly not water running. It was a low moaning sound, so quiet it was almost undetectable. My curiosity getting the better of me, I slide out of bed and pad down the hallway to the bathroom where the noise seems to be coming from. I press my ear to the door and listen carefully. Yes, they were certainly coming from in there. Over the rushing of the water I can hear the moans. They reminded me of the ones in 'Resurrection'. Is Ville jerking off in there? I can feel my face growing hot again at the very thought. I quickly retreat back to my room. Hundreds of thoughts crowd my brain, many of them dirty and ones that I do not want to think about. I grab a t-shirt [a HIM one, coincidentally] off of the floor and tug it over my head. I need to do something to clear my head. So, I grab my skateboard from the corner of my room and am about to go out when I hear my name waft out of the bathroom. I go back to stand in front of the bathroom door. "Ville?"

A pause. "Y-yes?"

"Uh, didn't you call me?"

Another pause, longer this time. "Uhh...yes, um, there don't seem to be any towels in here...Could you be a dear and get me one?"

"Umm, sure." I walk down the hall to the linen closet and pulled out a large fluffy burgandy towel and make my way back to the bathroom. "Uhh do you have something to cover up with?"

"Sort of..." came the uneasy reply.

"Well, I"m coming in." I take a deep breath and let it out slowly before turning the knob and pushing the door open.

Ville is standing in front of the mirror, attempting to brush his hair using his fingers. He did indeed have coverage, but just barely. He had a small handtowel tied tightly around himself low on his hips, just barely coming down low enough to cover himself, and there is a large triangle of white skin visible where the two corners come together in a knot. My breath catches in my throat. He is absolutely gorgeous. Each of Ville's tattoos, save for the one on the back of his neck, are visible, and my eyes involuntarily sought out each one; the fire symbol, the cosmic pope, the tribal sleeve, the heart on his right wrist, the 'S' circling his nipple, and finally coming to rest on his--our--Heartagram tattoo.

I tear my gaze away from his waist and look him in the eyes. Beautiful... Snapping out of my stupor, I hand the towel to Ville. "Uhhh...here."

"Thank you, sweetheart."

He claps a hand over my eyes and I can hear the sound of the handtowel dropping to to tiled floor and the rustle of frabric as Ville wraps the larger towel around his waist with his free hand. [Yes, he's that talented.]

He releases my face and steps around me to get to the hall. As he passes, I can smell the lavender body wash he must have used. I exit the bathroom just as Ville disappears into my room and shuts the door behind him, to change, I suppose. I take this opportunity to get out of here. I grab my skateboard and escape to the outdoors, where my mind is free of troublsome thoughts.

Normal people don't have thoughts like the ones I was having about their best friend. Their best male friend. Now I know, I confirm, that something is wrong with me.

**End Part II**

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