Random Vam fic, Part V

Jun 29, 2005 18:09

Disclaimer: By this time, I shouldn't even have to say anything anymore...


Ville comes over to me, leaving his position by the entry. "Bam, what's going on? What is she doing here?" he hisses. He doesn't sound angry; upset, maybe, but not mad.

"I don't know. I though I got rid of her forever ago."

He glances at Jenn. He's clearly disturbed with her presense in our lives. I hate seeing him so upset. "Listen, I'll make sure she isn't here long. I'll help her look for a new place to speed up the process. I promise." When I'm sure that Jenn isn't looking, I peck him on the cheek. "And how about later we go out, I treat you to a nice candle-lit dinner, we check into a cozy hotel, and I make up for stopping you ealier, hm?" This cheers him up instantly.

Jenn shoots us an odd look. "What was that?"

"Nothing." I grab the suitcase she'd brought with her and head upstairs, Jenn and Ville in tow. I set it with a heavy thud on the floor outside of the guest bedroom.

She pouts.

I roll my eyes. "What now?"

"I thought I was going to be in your room with you."

I cock an eyebrow at her. Okay, nobody said anything about that. "Um, no."

She pooches her bottom lip out and batts her eyelashes in a pathetic attempt to woo me. "Pleeeaase?" she whines.

"No," I say finally, retreating into my room where Ville is waiting for me, stretched out across my bed. The site is very inviting. He pats the spot on the mattress beside him and I sit obediently.

"Oh my god," he says, sounding uncannily like a gossipy schoolgirl. "Did you see the way she was looking at you?"

"Yeah. Sickening, isn't it?"

"You know what I think? I think she's still in love with you."


He sits up and fixes me with an intense look. "Don't tell me you haven't noticed."

I shrug. "I don't have much experience with this whole 'being in love' deal. It was Jenn breifly, sort of. Now you. That's it. Come to think about it, you're the first person I've actually been in love with."

A smile tugs on the corners of Ville's lips. "Really?"

"Yeah, what I had with Jenn is nothing compared to--"

He silences me with a kiss. He pulls back with a grin on his angelic face.

"...compared to this," I finish quietly.

Ville is truely something else. Of course, I'd known this fact from the moment I'd met him. But now that we're together, it's so much more clear than it's ever been before.

"Do you think she'll try anything? Make a move, or something?" he asks suddenly.

"Knowing her, probably. She always was kinda slutty."

He looks grim.

"Hey, it's nothing I can't handle, don't worry."

"If you say so," he says, sounding doubtful.

"What, don't you trust me?"

His expression softens. "Of course I do, Bammie. It's just...I don't trust Jenn being in this house. I know I don't have a say in it, but I really, really don't like this."

I can see the anxiousness in his eyes, and he can probably see it in mine. I'm uncomfortable with Jenn here as well. We'd broken up; there's no reason why she should still be a part of my life.

"Maybe I should tell her I'm taken."

He shakes his head. "Not a good idea."

"Why not?"

"I think the answer should be obvious. I'm pretty sure that it won't sit well with her, knowing that her ex-boyfriend is fucking another guy."

I blush at that. "Well, we haven't...really...um...done anything."

"Not yet, at least," he says with a wink.

My blush increases and Ville takes notice. "It's nothing to be embarrassed about, Bammie."

"Yeah, I know. But still..."

He glances at the digital alarm on my--our--nightstand. "So," he asks. "Do you plan on making good of your offer?"

I nod enthusiastically. "Yeah. Go on downstairs, I'll be there in a sec."

Ville exits the room and I can hear his footsteps as he desends the staircase. I grab a pair of well-worn Adios and my burgandy blazer, pulling both items on. I'm just about to go, when my path is blocked by...Jenn.

"Where are you off to?" she asks, trying to be nice but I can hear the underlying tone of annoyance in here voice. She's obviously upset because I don't want to spend time with her.


"With who? That foreign guy?"

"What are you, an interrigator? Yes, with Ville," I snap at her. "What's it to you?"

"You seem to like him an awful lot."

Forget this. I duck under her outstretched arms and escape downstairs. I can hear her loud protesting behind me.

I grab my car keys off of the kitchen counter and we're off for a nice relaxing evening, leaving all of our worries [*coughJENNcoughgag*] behind.

**End Part V**

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