(no subject)

Dec 31, 2005 15:12

God created heaven and earth, he then created man. Man overpopulated the earth, so, God created Chuck Norris.
If a tree falls in the middle of a forest and no one is anywhere around, rest assured that Chuck Norris heard it.
The black widow spider is one of the most poisonous spiders in the world. But Chuck Norris doesn't give a shit. He pops 'em like candy.
The lead role for The Pacifier was chosen all depending on a game of Counter-Strike between Vin Diesel and Chuck Norris. Vin Diesel won the game, but only because he was camping. In an angered state of rage, Chuck Norris notified God and got Vin Diesel banned from Earth. That took him down a peg.
Once, Mr. T joined forces with Chuck Norris to fight crime. All criminals in the known universe were instantly vaporized by the sheer awsomeness of their Mohawk/Mullet combination. Afterwards, Mr. T created Vin Diesel using a welder and a 55 gallon drum, but left him bald so that he could not challenge their hairdo supremecy.
Chuck Norris could make God atheist if he wanted to.
The X-Men character "Wolverine" is actually based on Chuck Norris, only toned down so as not to upset children
Mr. T. once saved a family from a burning building. Then he pitied them. To death.
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