Feb 12, 2008 09:03
I'm operating on three hours' sleep, because I was up way too late at my lame work party. I don't know what happened, the parties the last two years were awesome. Maybe it had something to do with there being no karaoke for the first year ever. I just know I stayed a lot longer than I would have liked to, and now I feel like I have a hangover even though I didn't get drunk last night. Who the hell has a staff party on a Monday night? Oh, yeah. We do. In the past, it's always been on a Sunday night because we close early and more people are able to make it. This year though, they decided to have it on Monday because Sunday is "inventory night". Inventory is done by managers! Isn't this party supposed to be more for the staff, because, you know, WE MAKE WAY LESS MONEY THAN THEM? The past two years, the party has been at 10pm on a Sunday night because we close at 9, giving all the staff ample time to finish closing down the restaurant without missing any of the party. This year the party was at 10pm on Monday night, and the restaurant closes at 10, so the closing staff had to scramble to get out of work so we didn't miss the party. And guess who closes every Monday. Four of the strongest and most hard working servers in the restaurant. Who would have missed the party if it had been on "inventory night"? One manager (who wasn't at the party anyway) and the executive chef. Kind of a lame reason to change the night of the party. We had a lower turnout than we ever have. When we finally got there (at almost 11pm), we arrived to find that the college dropout slackers that appeared to be DJing the party were not set up for karaoke, even though our general manager had requested it. I hope he asks for part of his money back. Melissa, Nicole and I all look forward to singing at the staff party every year, and more than a few of our co-workers made comments about how they were disappointed that they would not get to hear us sing. So we all sat at our isolated tables and talked, and ate, and didn't dance to the crappy music the DJs were playing. The trainers' outing had better make up for this travesty of a staff party we had. I did win a pretty cool prize though, and Aaron was there which always makes things better.
In other, completely unrelated news, my Journalistic Grammar and Style class is full of idiots, and 8am is too early in the morning to deal with stupid freshmen and snotty junior journalism majors.
Someone in this library is wearing too much perfume. I want to find them and dump a bucket of water on them.
Ugh, I need to go lie down.
Only 26 days until Aaron and I leave for New York.