Okay. I've finally been able to list down all of the books I wanna sell, along with Mom's old romance novels. They've all got prices too. I'll be bringing them to the newly-opened secondhand bookstore near Aeon Books on Monday, so they'll be sold by consignment. I'm posting the list here, so that if any of you guys want a title (or two, or three), I can put it on reserve.
Click here for book list! Just comment if you want anything. :D
EDIT: List has been edited, so check it again. Added some books.
† A Bottomless Grave and Other Victorian Tales of Terror [Ron]
† Twisted 3 [Ron]
† The Importance of Being Earnest and Four Other Plays [Reis]
† The Lives of the Muses [Reis]
† Sophie's World [Bobbie]