Waking up one morning, Ezra goes into the kitchen and finds Sookie Stackhouse. He is charmed by her familiar accent. It takes a while but he discovers that, while it was the end of January when he went to sleep, it's now mid-June. Aw hell.
talk of a poker game, follows and plays with Logan, Billy Tallent, and Joe Dick. The word is 'cardsharp' even if they keep saying 'shark'.
Tiffany is doing mathematics on the kitchen floor and Ezra inquires why. Discusses with her the possibilities of his assisting with her cheese-making. He's impressed with this intelligent, if very serious, young lady.
Ezra post in which he reads about World War II and
discusses it with Sookie. He talks to her also about his general like for children, but not children's bodies with adult minds and a bit about what he used to do for a living. He is also very sorry for not helping with the cleanup of the new levels of the compound (OOC, because I was in the middle of things at the time) and offers to help her in the future. Maude Standish would not be proud of her boy for this. (The offer to help, that is.)
Esra Post: Hearing the word 'Bible',
Faramir comes in to investigate. Ezra gives the book to him and it turns to Lord of the Rings in his hands. They have a minor discussion of Faramir's 'fictitiousness', which makes Ezra uncomfortable (that he's talking to a man from a book.)
Sookie tiptoes in trying to avoid aggravating the jukebox. They have a minor chat about that and he gives her the Bible, which remains a Bible. Sookie has been down lately and Ezra would like to help but doesn't know how. Sookie is thankful--she'll let him know. He mentions that perhaps the Bible will help with that.
Dr. Koscuisko enters, wonders what the Bible is and also who was King James? Ezra tries to explain and Dr. K wishes he could read this book but cannot read English. Ezra is puzzled and they find that Standard and English are the same thing. The begin to talk about where Andrej is from. (ongoing)