back from san francisco. holy shit i love that city. definitely one of the best cities in the country. danced the night away with childhood friends and their significant others. explored the sites with mine. lounged the day away with chris and his friends in the best park ever. ate amazing food, saw adorable sea lions, hugged the hugest trees
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erick absolutely loves biden, and has for years and years. we were in san francisco when we heard the news and i think he was happier about that than anything else on the trip. i dont know much about him, but apparently according to erick via all the cspan he watches, biden has a history of being tell-it-like-it-is and i-dont-give-a-fuck-if-you-dont-like-it type of guy. which im attracted to because i see a bit of me in that. but obviously that gets him in trouble often, for like all fire-crackers, he puts his foot in his mouth. he reminds me so much of my boss at work--real charismatic, straight-up, almost goof-ball, but still somehow gets the respect he deserves. i dont know much about his politics. he is far less scary then palin. and far less likely to ever be the commander-in-chief he obama wins than palin if mccain wins.
i love election games too. we should watch the debates together!!
I don't give much weight to the "he's inside Washington" and "he undermines Barrak's message of change" arguments. Voters know that one doesn't have to come from outside Washington to change things. And besides, for many voters simply replacing the current administration is change enough. I think picking Biden for VP strengthens the Obama ticket by providing a nice balance of "change" and "experience." Obama has incredible ideas for change. Because Biden really knows how Washington works (and doesn't work), he can help Obama implement those ideas more effectively.
Also, one cannot ignore the value of having a VP with deep foreign policy experience. VPs can be very important diplomatic chesspieces. Biden fits perfectly into this role. He knows many world leaders personally. He is the chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, and has played a significant role in defining US foreign policy. You can send him on his own to any country in the world to competently represent our interests abroad.
Anyway, people are going to vote for the name at the top of the ticket, not who the VP candidate is. Polls indicate that naming Biden did not really affect how people feel about Obama or whether they would be more or less likely to vote for him.
-Biden on Obama during the primaries. Yeah, foot in mouth indeed. Other than that he's okay I guess. Just not very exciting. But it is true vps aren't gonna make or break a ticket. I mean come on, Dan Quayle was vp.
can we hang out soon? i am more free on the weekdays than on weekends. i am totally serious about watching the debates and whatnot. let me know when you guys play frisbee at days park etc.
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