Aug 13, 2005 22:34
I didn't know Ice hardly at all. But i do know that her death has caused some of my friends extreame pain. I just want you to know...I UNDERSTAND. Death is scary and really hard to deal with even more so if you're not the one dead. This might be confusing but when a loved one dies we are left here with thoughts pounding in our head like Marbles in a vacuum cleaner. They bounce around the inside of our heads. it almost hurts physically. Thoughts like; "Why Them?" "Why did God Take them away?" and maybe "Why couldn't i help them?". I know you all have been telling yourselves that it's okay because she's in a better place which is very true but sometimes it still hurts. It feels like we will never see them again and even though thats not true we still let yourselves be depressed. I didn't know Ice but i did know she was funny and had a very smart outlook on life. When i found out she died i cried not because i knew her and all these wonderful memories, which i don't, but because i saw all of you in so much pain. In the past month i lost both my great uncles to canser and heart problems and it was not easy to lose people who i had grown up with but the thing that really upset me was seeing everyone at the funeral in so much pain. All of these people that i care about more then anything are so sad and i felt helpless like i do now. I feel like there's nothing i can do or say to make you'll feel better. i could say all these really stupid cliquces*(i can't spell) like everything happens for a reason to try to improve you spirits but i know you hear thoughs enough. I guess all i can say is exactly what I said to everyone at the funeral. It's not evactly well thought up and overly used but it's the only honest thing comeing to my mind. "I'm very sorry for your loss."