There's a list of tour dates for Jack Johnson. Quite simply, if you are within 2 hours of any of those shows, I am ordering you to find tickets. Hands down, the show last night was unbelievable. ALO (Animal Liberation Orchestra) opened. Shawn and I agreed that this is a band that you just have to see live because I don't think listening to them on CD has the same effect. Goofy guys, but very enjoyable. Matt Costa followed them. He was OK; I wasn't a particularly big fan of his. Jack then came on and just rocked the Verizon Wireless Music Center. Over 20 songs over the course of about an hour and a half with every single person in the pavilion standing. You know how most musicians, I don't know, stop after a song every once in a while and talk to the audience and just kinda BS with them? Never happened last night. JJ for the most part just segwayed seamlessly from one song to the other for the duration of the night. It was amazing. The ovation that he received at the end of the night before the encore was absoultely deafening. Hopefully my disposable camera got some good picks since we were probably about 80-100 feet away from the stage (5th row, dead center, but there was a pit in front of us for those with standing room only tickets). Anyway, on to the fun events of the night.
Drew, Shawn and I stopped at McDonalds on the way there. Shawn stated that he was going to order a Fish Filet sandwich because it's fairly healthy compared to the rest of the menu and he was watching his calories. What actually transpired:
Lady: "Hi can I take your order?"
Shawn: "Yeah, I'll have a Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese, a 10 piece McNugget, and a Coke."
Healthiness be damned apparently.
Signs in Indiana lie. We got off at the exit that said Verizon was right up the road. After driving for 5 minutes through corn fields and residential areas, we decided we may have errored in following the sign. Stuff like this never happens in Ohio.
Upon arriving at VMC, we immediately jumped in line because the gates hadn't opened yet. 5-10 minutes later, this guy comes up to the gate and informs us that the gate we were standing at would not be opened. People in front of us = pissed because they were told shortly before that by someone else that the gate would indeed be opened. We didn't see much of an issue though and just hopped into another line.
Once inside the gates, Drew wasted 2 perfectly fine girls their valuable time by listening to them ramble on about some scholarship...and then didn't sign up for it. Bastard. We then stopped by the 99.5 (no, not WGAR, I'm in Indiana) booth where they had a wheel of prizes. Basically, you spun the wheel and could win a pen (YES!), koozie, t-shirt, or some other crappy gift. Shawn lost. Drew was one slot away from winning the t-shirt. I told him to hit the weight room so that he could win next time. I gave the wheel a spin and won the t-shirt. I told Drew again to hit the weight room so he could be like me. Shawn pointed out that I haven't seen a weight room in my life. Screw him, I have a free t-shirt and he doesn't. I think he was just jealous of my new piece of clothing.
I didn't even know that this was possible, but we sat behind a professional "That guy." You know the guy that always pops his head into pictures without anyone noticing? He is only discovered when the film gets developed and people go "Who's that guy?" Well, this dude was an expert. Throughout the course of the night, I think he got into literally 15 separate pics. It was an art to watch. Cool guy too. The guy and HOT girl that he was with were nice enough to hand me back my cell phone after I essentially chucked it at them later in the concert.
To pass the time, we decided to play the classic game "Hot or 12" made famous by the Heinen's crew. If your not familiar with the game, you basically find a couple of young looking girls and decide if they are hot....or 12. Of course, we determined that the girls were 12-13. This led to some fun comments between Shawn, me, and "That guy" mentioned above. I told Shawn that the 5 girls were 13. "That guy" turned around and looks at us and goes "What? Combined?" Feel free to insert any Spongebob, Sesame Street, Barney, bedtime comment here and chances are we said it.
Drew backed into a car when trying to leave his parking spot. He then wondered why there was a car behind him in the first place. The fact that it was a parking lot seemed to be a satisfactory answer to that question to me. We got out of the lot fairly quickly which was good, but we decided to stop at a gas station to get something to drink. I was convinced that the dude working there could only work at a gas station. It was as if God just had the destiny of this guy to be working at Shell. He just looked like the stereotypical gas station guy; I can't even describe it.
Things got interesting after leaving the station. We may have made a few wrong turns and ended up precisely in the middle of nowhere. It wasn't a big deal though as Shawn pointed out with the line, "Eh, it's OK. At least gas is cheap." That made us all feel better.
Drew went to pass a car earlier in the day and as he passed, another car was coming at us a fairly good distance away. Despite this, Drew felt the need to say "We're gonna dieWe're gonna dieWe're gonna dieWe're gonna dieWe're gonna dieWe're gonna dieWe're gonna die." That rates up there on things you never want to hear as a passenger who hasn't been paying attention to the ride.
After making fun of Drew for getting us lost, he told Shawn and me that he was gonna stop at the Bail Bondsman store that we passed because he was going to murder both of us. Shawn and I didn't really talk after that.
All in all, excellent night. And again, if you have the opportunity to see JJ in concert, DO IT! You will not be disappointed.