Feb 09, 2005 01:20
Thanks to everyone that didn't read my massive update and write a comment. Always good to know that an hour worth of my time isn't worth 30 seconds of yours. But I digress...
Sunday night was the Super Bowl. You know, that big football game which gets 2 weeks of hype to build it up only to have it suck more than Jenna Jameson at a straw factory (ha...you thought I'd say gang bang didn't you? No). Went to the triple to watch it with about 8 other people. That may have been the least exciting, most sloppily played 3 point game of all time. Pats were uncharacteristically (that is a long ass word, damn, did I spell that right?) off, and I've seen quadrapalegics move faster than the Eagles in the last 5 minutes of the game when they were down by 2 scores. Horrible. Turns out that D. McNabb was sick. Tangent: Remember when we played football with Donovan McDad? 11 on 11 football in the snow and Cleveland . Does it get better? No, it does not. OK anyway, I guess I'm glad the Pats won, didn't really give a care either way though. Talked to Leah on the phone at 3:45 AM because....well I'll let her tell you why she called. So funny and sad at the same time. Funniest commercials: The ones with the monkeys were great (I even remember that it was for careerbuilder.com). The one where the dude held up the dog with a butcher knife in his hand was classic. And the first Bud Light commercial with the picture phones ("Yo, that's your apartment. That's your beer. That's your girlfriend?!?!") comes in 3rd place. Honorable mention to FedEx for having Burt Reynolds in it along with BOTH MC Hammer commericals. Remember in Eurotrip when the guy in Eastern Europe puts the seat on his bike and goes "Stop. Hammer time!"? Made me think of that. I still hold that our group of friends back home personifies the dudes in that movie. Aren't tangents fun? Moving on...
Apparently we had a 3 minute long speech due in COMM 210. So of course I waited til 3:00 to start thinking about what I was going to give my speech on. I decided to tell the story of when Ryan and I put the 11.5 feet long Kwanzaa sign on Castellanos' front yard. I still have that pic with me here at school...laugh every time that I see it. Good times. 3 hour class didn't feel too terribly bad since people just gave their speeches. One kid's morale to his speech was, and I quote, "So I learned to stay out of the kitchen...because that's the woman's place." Guys = hysterically laughing. Girls = not pleased. Teacher (a guy) = not happy, but we all know he was laughing on the inside. Anyway, later in the period, learned Steve Van Elk = one of the funniest people ever. Told a story about eating prunes before a marathon. Hilarious story. People nearly falling out of their desks laughing. When your story is entitled "The Day of 15 Dumps" and has to do with prunes, it's comic gold. Went to the FIJI house afterwards. Fun times. Came back here and ripped on Drew. A lot. It was fun. Shawn changed my away message to say that Drew blows pigs. Well Drew didn't immediately see this until he wandered over to his computer (threatening Shawn about something or other...don't know/care/remember) which led to..."I'm gonna kill your ass!" (3 second pause to read away message) "I BLOW PIGS???" Gotta love early mornings.
History prof (dressed in all black for the 35th straight day I believe) started talking about hippies for some reason today. Seamlessly moved from the French Revolution to hippies somehow. No idea how dude does it. Someone fell out of their chair in anthro. We heard a crash and sure enough, dude is on the ground. No explanation given. That freaking class lasted til 1:40 which sucked because that meant I wouldn't eat until after astronomy. Oh yeah, and I had no breakfast. Not fun. Astronomy was ridiculously boring. The only thing that made it fun is that he would ask these stupid review questions and every time that the kid behind me got one right he'd go "Yesssssssss!" in a Napoleon Dynamite voice. Along the same lines, before class I heard the following exchange:
Guy #1: Dude, give me some of your tots.
Guy #2: No, go find your own.
Guy #1: Come on, give me some of your tots.
Guy #2: No, I'm freakin' starving! I didn't get to eat anything today.
Ha...forgot there was one other kinda funny moment.
Girl #1: How many questions are on the test?
Prof: About 60.
Girl #2: How much is it worth?
Prof: It's priceless! You can't put a value on it!
Maybe it was just funny coming from this guy, but I laughed. Ah well. Finally got some food, came back and slept til about 7:45. Went to the gym to play b-ball at 8. Note: There is an intramural team called Jesse & the Rippers. How amazing is that? Of course it's not as good as Off in the Woods (get it? If they lose the other team says "We beat Off in the Woods!" and OitW laughs at their faux pas). Anyway, McCready, Shawn, Drew, JD, and me played about 3 games. Not bad, not great, tolerable. JD with the line of the night hands down..."Dude, my mailbox was full. I kept getting e-mails with attachments that were each like 3 million gigawatts." Yes, gigawatts. Then as we were leaving he started singing Here I Go Again by Whitesnake and talking about how Tawny Kitean beat up Chuck Finley with a high heeled shoe. And that's about it. It's 1:50 AM right now, Drew and Christy are watching a movie, I'm doing laundry, and it's officially Ash Wednesday. I'm out like a Catholic in Israel.
P.S. MAJOR props to Bayley for scoring her 1000th point as a Lady Bomber. That is impressive beyond words, so I will give you a thumbs up instead. And more props on passing the school levy. That woulda been bad if that failed. Ok, good bye now.