Mar 09, 2005 15:11
Today was my last day working in my shop. The flight cheifs brought some pizza and all for lunch for the flight. After all that, our flight chief gave me a plaque/picture frame. I did not expect that. Everybody signed the outside of it, and had something to say. They all shook my hand and was like, it was nice working with you. I felt like I wanted to cry. Becuase I didn't realize it as much as I do now. But everybody I worked with, were like a family. Becuase I don't have any here, I have come close to them. Now knowing I won't ever see them again; prabable, kinda makes it hard. Anyways, I got one more night of class and then I will be done. I get promoted tommarow!!! I'm excited to wear my shirt with one more stripe...*L* Anyhow, gotta get back to my class.