Weight lifting for lil guys...

Mar 01, 2005 13:44

I don't know exacally, but I hurt my back like really bad today! Yesterday we had to pull some seats out of a jet, and I had to drop one of them becuase it hurt. I didn't think anything of it though, becuase I was soooo tried last night. Anyhow, me and a couple of my friends decided to go weight lift this morning. Well one guy that is like really big into it, showed me some stuff. And I tried a lil harder than what I normally do. Then after I lifted something and my back just went....! It hurts purtty bad, I hope that it goes away soon! Other than that, I cant' wait to be back home where it is warm. It is sooo cold and windy here! Anyways, looks like I might be able to fix my truck. So that's some good news. Well going to work, bye everybody,
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