Feb 24, 2008 20:05
So I have a confession to make. Couple of weeks ago I got bored...and by bored I mean lonely and went into this chatroom to just talk to people, (robby was with cassie and Clay was working so that is why I didn't talk to actual humans.) Well this girl and I started talking and for the next couple of weeks she and I talk. Everything was going good, until she told me she didn't believe that God was real. At this point....pissed....not the word to use to describe how I felt. It always figures that girls who I have no business talking to right now are always the ones that seem to get attracted to me in some weir way. I mean when I told my friend Ami about this girl she said she would have kicked her ass. I won't go into to much detail on her but just trust me, no talking to her anymore. But anyway, I am just pissed that I knew better than to get in a chatroom and I did it anyway. Psychos hang out in those things and no rational human being will inhabit talking in the same room, every night. Anyway, not to mention that I, like an idiot gave her a phone number to talk to me before said revelation, and it was the phone my grandmother let me borrow in case of emergency while I was out. The reasoning in my mind? Well it has free nights and weekends and she won't just call it unless I tell her it is okay. WRONG!! I am dumb. Anyway, just needed a place to vent real quick, now I am going to get online with all the other anti-social misfits on Xbox Live. I need to kill something and Rainbow six: Vegas is the perfect outlet.
Update: I actually played Mass Effect and Not rainbow six because rainbow six intimidates me a little. But anyway, feeling better....doing fine...like soup.