Jan 01, 2008 16:20
So a lot of changes have been going on lately. You all pretty much know about the most of it so I won't rehash. Mostly I have been just kicking back and allowing myself to get just relax and enjoy my life and my family. For those of you who have been there to give me encouragement thank you and Bless you all. One of the things I have been wrestling with for the past while is what to do from here on out. Of course the single life is treating me well, so I will not worry about getting attached anytime soon. Mostly it has been me and God and hashing some things out. Clay even helped by giving me a book called "Wild at Heart." I love it so far. I will let you all know about what it is about when I am done. I have been throwing around the idea of also doing starting a blog focused on doing game reviews for a somewhat Christian and original point of view. I know that when you hear that word Christian involved it kind of throws people off but I am thinking about it for the reason that a lot of people who are Christians are buying these games for kids and not understanding why they have ratings on them to begin with. Also just to help people avoid really horrible games. I will of course try to add my wit and charm to it but mostly it is straightforward. You all can add your ideas on it but that is just an idea so I may or may not do it. Anyway no resolutions, that crap is retarded. Just choose to change your life because everyday is new and you should live your life today. Not wait for a new year. You are not promised tomorrow so why not live it today. That is all You all are dismissed.