IF anyone has not heard of Jack Thompson, you better thank your lucky stars. Yesterday, not hours after the shooting in Virginia Tech, Fox News, that bastion of accurate reporting, asked Mr. Thompson to give some sound bites. Now understand that at 4 in the afternoon yesterday, no one knew anything about the shooter and reports were so scattered at best that we didn't know anything concrete. Thompson said that investigators will look into every aspect of the young man's life and that more importantly, and this is what I am paraphrasing here, that they will look into the media and entertainment that he immersed himself in. But from what I have heard today from Cnn and the rest, is that this kid had mental issues to begin with. And, thus far, they have found no real evidence as to what sent him over. Of course my coverage of the subject is spotty at best, since I sleep most of day now before I go to work. But kotaku has a good post about the references that jackie boy used and what is somewhat or wholly wrong with his logic here:
http://kotaku.com/gaming/feature/feature-dissecting-jacks-lies-252914.php So that is all for my rant. Got it off my chest. Now I must sleep more before working tonight, later.