Things i miss about this time of the year...Reminiscing

Dec 23, 2005 19:53

I miss huge Choir productions...
I miss Rod and Shelly...its been 5 years about this time i think...
I miss A Charlie Brown Christmas
I miss seeing Frosty and Rudolph on a regular basis
I miss the house in Huffman that packed his house with lights and crosses and helicopters, trees, merry-go-rounds,trains toy soldiers, all sorts of stuff
I miss People dressed up as Santa on the side of the road giving away candy
I miss helping with the Kids Choir Christmas production
I miss my rediculous Christmas Sweaters
I miss....believing in Santa Clause

I miss shopping on Christmas eve (crazy as it sounds) when i was kid, just walking around with my family watching everyone going crazy and then picking out one gift at the end of the night

I miss Dad playing his old Christmas records...Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, even Elvis Christmas album...

some of these were Christmas Traditions that just no longer exist...

Happy Memories........

I had Chicken Poks on Christmas (ok not so happy but still, it was memorable)
Having a Stomach Virus on Christmas (amazing how those aer memorable)
A Country Christmas (children's Christmas production and Parkway)
Christmas Production where i was a newsie (which led to my first blind date EVER)
Christmas Light Looking (especially the house with the massive lights)
Singing Christmas Carols with the family
My Cousins being in town at least one weekend and all of us spending the night at my Grandparent's house
Singing Christmas songs with the family that night too
My Grandfather wrapping the bottom to a trash can and giving it to me and the top to my Mother
My blinking multi-colored candellabora

Jesus being born

MERRY CHRISTmas and Happy New Year all
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