
New hobby :)

Mar 13, 2002 01:07

Decided I'll be getting myself involved in a new hobby. Airsoft.

Airsoft uses weapons that are identical in appearance to military issue gear. The one I'm getting is fairly typical - full auto 6mm weapon, muzzle velocity 300fps, 900rounds a minute. UK law sets a lower limit on what constitutes a firearm and basically the amount of energy the plastic projectile inparts on the the target just scrapes under that limit.
The game originated in Japan in the 70's but it spread through here to the US and has become substantially more mass market. People gather in their dozens to MilSims - where military engagements are simulated in acres of farmland.
More interesting to me is CQB (Close Quarters Battling) simulations; all about breaching rooms stuffed with hostages & terrorists. This is very difficult stuff with a steep learning curve - but there are courses and a small community to help me along.
The power of the weapons requires elementary body armour to be worn especialy for CQB. Getting this kit is all part of the Airsoft buzz. Not only does this mean that you're running around in military grade camo & body armour but you get an excuse to play around with stuff like concussion and smoke grenades, laser sights, night vision, sniper scopes etc.

This is what I'll be lugging around :)

Typical CQB gear looks like this.. assault vests, helmets etc

In a way it's roleplaying-ish - which praps some of you can relate to better, but it still revolves around your real skill levels :)

I'll post more about this as I get into it :)
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