Yesterday, we looked at the north side of Spooner Street - today, the south side.
2 Spooner St. is the historic homestead of Shaniqua Jackson, and today the Zondra legacy home - Zondra and her fiancee Muhammad just moved back, so major renovations are coming to what had been a rather spartan abode.
Kunta and Bell Kinte still live in the updated home next door at 4 Spooner St., which will soon also house their only son, Omoro, and Ruqayyah, his wife-to-be, and their children, once, of course, they start having some.
Next-door to the Kintes, at 6 Spooner St., is fellow law enforcement officer, Jason Larson and his wife Alexandrine. With all the children out of the house at college, Jason & Alexandrine have time to focus on their careers before their empty nest is full again.
The pretty pink home at 8 Spooner St. is home to Wilhelmine von Dönhoff. A former beauty, now an old maid; she remains haunted by her father's suicide and her failure to find a true life partner (although her bedchamber had many a guest). She had been considering moving in with Morris and company - after all, she had given birth to Morris' illegitimate daughter and had a long-standing lesbian relationship with Alejandra, but Evangeline, now at college, had asked her not to, as it was important for her to come back to the only home she had known. Until her daughter returned, Wilhelmine lost herself at work and with the occasional sexual conquest.
Last but not least is the modest residence at 10 Spooner St., home to Javier & Charlotte Sanchez. Both had shown great promise in their youth, but as they got older and stuck in dead-end jobs, they grew embittered at the professional and financial success of their siblings. Their children were all still in college and had yet to really plot futures for themselves - with or without their parents.