War is Real- if they've got to be there we should show we care!!!!!!!

Aug 09, 2005 21:29

I got a letter today in the mail from a girl I was in scouts with, she's a couple years younger than me, so I can remember how much she's changed and grown over the years. But now she's been in the army national guard for the last few years and just this summer got deployed to the Middle East, she's stationed right outside the Baghdad airport. She works with communications for the troops she helps maintain the phone and computer uplinks, so she doesn't see any fighting, she's also living in a tent with 7 other girl in her unit. They share everything. She told me in the letter that one of the girls' boyfriend just got killed in action along with 3 of his buddies, it makes everything they report on TV all the more real and meaningful when you know someone over there, I've always been a supporter of the troops because their all out there doing their jobs and something they truly believe in, they do awesomely hard jobs and deserve all the respect and encouragement they can get.
My mom started all the scout troops back home into sending packages over there to her and her friends, the best thing is that not only do we try to send them stuff but the things we've been sending they take a little bit from and package it up and ship it to the front lines to the troops that might not be getting regular mail. It makes me only wish I had the money to send more over there more often.
So I'll pitch this out there if you'd like to send any little care packages of your own I'll pass her address on to you. They like getting little snack kits tuna or crab salad with crackers, candy, travel games or cards, soap (especially the sort with a luffa in it), craft kits or painting/drawing supplies, disposable cameras, and calling cards. Anything you use daily and never think twice about not having. And shipping will only cost 7.70 if you buy a flat rate box at the post office.
If they've got to be there they should at least know that there are people back home that care.
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