Sep 01, 2004 01:13
Well everyone I've fucked up and fucked it up good. My stupid need to show off, make me and my life appear so perfect has been my disaster. I lied about how things really devloped with Landon and I. He asked me to come out here, he didn't beg and plead. He offered me the chance to try again, and I blew it, I talked about us and said stupid things that popped into my head because they made me feel better about myself. He read the things I've written in my journal and couldn't stand to see how I've manipulated and lied.
As a result of me being such a little girl I've lost everything important to me, I am a fool and completely ashamed of myself, I've apoligised a thousands times to him and asked for forgivness now I ask the same of you all for pretending to be what I'm not. I've lied to you, him and myself. I deserve what I've gotten, I'm just sorry it was at such a high price and i didn't realise the value of what i was jepordising.
I'm sorry.
I'm not sure if I'm going to keep this journal going after this. but I hope that everyone understands how sorry i am and how stupid I have been.