Castle of the Fallen...

May 01, 2004 12:32

Well, today is Beltane for those of you who know what that is. Happy Beltane all you special people. I guess I had an ok day so far. I had to get up at 6 for my mom's garage sale... but i slept bad last night too. I didn't go to sleep until like, 11, then my cell phone was being crazy and an alarm went off at 12, and then 20 minutes later, then i finally fell back asleep and my mom woke me up again. At least i made 20 bucks. And now i'm just chillin here with nothing to do. It's hot outside. I really want to go shopping. I just feel like it... but i don't have anyone to go with or a way to get there. I might go to Carson's tomorrow. That will be fun if my dad will take me. I hope so. Meh... I'm still kinda sad/angry/upset about the whole Jenni thing. I mean... i kinda miss her, yet she did so much bad stuff to me and didn't even know she was hurting me so much. That's not a true friend. Whatever. It's just kinda sad cuz like, i have pictures sitting around of me and her, and it's like, i throw it on the ground and i'm like "eww jenni" but then it makes me kinda down... but it's ok. I don't want to be friends with someone like her. She's a bad person to hang out with. Kinda a downer, and she gets me into bad situations. And i don't like that. Plus there are multiple times when she had a boyfriend and completly ditched me to hang out with him... well, so did Christine, and Charlette... but oh well.... and Jenni even said "don't think i'm ditching you alright?" when she left with James, leaving me to sit at the rally BY MYSELF... ALONE. Great friend huh? Even if Carson went to Brea... i wouldn't leave my "best friend" sitting alone, i'd tell him to go hang out with his friends and i'd catch up to him later at like, snack or something. I mean come on, you don't ditch your friend like that?! That's so lame. And like, in 7th grade, she was like, my only really really good friend, and she got a boyfriend and would ditch me and leave me to sit by myself all the time. Sucks majorly. Not fun times. Nope. But I'm gonna stop tlaking about all this crap. Talk to you all later. I loooooooooooove you.
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