Aug 20, 2007 10:59
this one is for joyce..
What would be your Patronus?
lol a monkey. ask me again tomorrow when i'm not too silly.
What would you want your wand to look like/be made out of?
wood.. hey, wait a minute, doesnt' the wand choose it's owner? are you making me work for what's already mine? you sneaky chipmunk!
If you could be an Animagus, what animal would you be?
i dont' know... a farrett *wink wink* lol
Would you join D.A. (Dumbledore's Army)?
fuck yeah, i need to learn all their techniques and weakness. know thy enimy kinda ting, you know.. (okay, i have a feeling i'm turning evil again.. wtf.. i woke up an angel today blessit!)
Who was the character you hated the most in the books?
i dont' hate anyone, sorry jkr. i love all your creations.. even the ones that's supposidly made for me to hate. i'm sure they are harder to write.
Who were the characters you loved the most?
all of them. okay, maybe snape. my little kink. my greasy little i'm-bitter-and-you-hate-me-but-just-wait-till-i-die-for-you-you'd-understand-and-be-sorry-then-ungreatful-bastard. yes.. snape. so missunderstood.
What house would you be sorted into at Hogwarts?
i've been thrown in all houses.. depends on my mood on when i take that house quiz.
What was your favorite store in Hogsmeade or Diagaon Alley?
Flourish and Blott's think of all the books!!! omg. and okay, maybe the place that sells the nimbus or something..
If you could play Quidditch, what position would you play?
if i could fly, why would i be playing games? *long-gone*
Would you honestly eat the kidney pie?
ofcourse,it would be rude not to. think of all the time it took him to do it.. poor guy.
Dark mark or D.A. "Galleon"?
galleon, it's more like a phone-- i can choose to accept or not accept your call.
honestly, did you read the books, notice the odd timing they have when wantiong to call people?
What magic power or inheritance would you want the most?
i want the invisiboility cloak. or i want to be teddy.. yeah. *turns hair purple*
What magical creature was your favorite (ex. centaurs,house elves, etc.)?
house elf. surely, house elf. so loyal, so miss treated..i'll give him a good home and we can make cookies together.
At the moment if you walked by the Room of Requirement what would it turn into?
lol.. right now? like right now? a thai book store. i need to get my hands on some books.
What was your reaction to the Ron and Hermione "thing" in book 7?
about time dammit! (word!)
Are you brave like Harry, funny like Ron, or intelligent like Hermione?
i'm not brave, nor funny, damn far from inteligent-- any other options?
Which of the Deathly Hollows would you choose (the cloak, the stone, or the wand)?
i just said, i want harry's cloak! *grin* please, don't trick me with the 40 questions that ask the same things..
Would you be a member of S.P.E.W.?
most likely.
Out of the Marauders Map, Sirius' dagger, and a Sneakoscope, what would you choose?
Marauder's map, if i'm at hogwarts, other wise the sneakoscope-- because i'm paranoid that way.
what did sirius' dagger do again? yeah. maybe the dagger after all.
What pet would you take with you to Hogwarts (toad, cat, owl, etc)?
something useful.. i guess an owl. since they dont' have internet. that would suck...
Who was your favorite teacher at Hogwarts?
What subject would you like to teach at Hogwarts?
i can't teach... the poor kids, we'd just end up goofing around all day. little picknics and what not.
What job would you like to have in the Wizarding World?
hmm.. good question.
Which character do you wish was real and you could befriend?
this will be strange, but--none, i love them just where they are. in their own little environment.
Would you enter your name in the Triwizard Cup?
yeah-- just for the sake of entertainment.
Which was the best movie so far?
ask me again when all seven is out. yarrr?
On a scale of 1-10 (ten being the worst) how depressed are you that the series is over?
Lize's added questions:
Would Hermione and Rons kids be rangers?
Who would have the bigger wang - Ron or Harry?
lol WHAT?!? i'm trying to stay in cannon here peole! well, if you must know .. ron. *snigger*
Do you reckon the Weasley twins have macked or engaged in a 3-way?
-___ -' again, if you want to go there, would you like a story? i can actually search for a few really good written ones.. not exactly my cup of tea, but hey...*shrug*
Did you LOL at Rons dress robes in the 4th movie?
it was fucking adorable.
Daniel's added questions:
Do you think McGonagal and Dumbledore ever got it on behind the dumpster?
not behind the dumpsters, but yeah, there's been stories or two.. again, not my cup of tea. hey some people has their kink. have at it. as for me, once, i read one G rating work, and it's about friendship, i read that one. it was nice...
Did you think Harry was constantly on his rags during the 7th book?
hes a hormonal teenage boy! Give him some leeway! (well said)
Do you think Luna was high during the entire series?
hahhaha, you say it as if it's a bad thing..
In the movies, do you think Lucious Malfoy looks like Fabio?
fuck no. lucious is teh sex!! fabio... *cringe*
Does the last chapter of the book make you want to throw up and kill Rowling?
no, why? i thought it was great..
Please repost as "HARRY POTTER SURVEY!"
(you can add questions of your own if you want :)
lol thanks, but no thanks..