starting a new chapter of my life...

Feb 24, 2008 12:28

So, yeah. On Thursday I went out to Wollongong to go to my uni orientation day thingy for creative writing.

Course, I missed my bus. Didn't study that bus timetable well enough, I'm afraid.
So, I had to catch the train to Wollongong, and unfortunately, the train takes 3 hours to get there.
I was meant to be there at 9.30am, left home at 6.20am and ended up at uni at about 11...
Good thing I didn't go to work that day otherwise I would have been making that massive, whopping mistake on Monday, which is my first day of uni classes, and that really would not be fun.

In my infinite forgetfullness, I forgot to enroll in my tutorials when the enrolments opened on Thursday night. So now I am in a tutorial that is slightly too late for my bus home. I'm really not sure what I'm going to do about that. Probably plead with the lecturer for the earlier one (though that tutorial will still only finish 5 minutes before my bus leaves from the other side of the university campus.)

In happier news, though. My friend dragged me off to something called 'unistarter's day' yesterday. It was a meeting thing for the Wollongong ECU (evangelical christian union) and I met some people, thereby making me feel slightly less daunted by the prospect of uni life and having no friends (since pretty much all my friends nowadays are from my church).
Met someone doing my course, which is exciting. Course, she's doing a double degree of Jornalism and Creative Writing, (ie, much, much more intelligent than me) but she is like me. It's cool. She's from Darwin. A DOCTOR WHO FAN!!!!!!! Amazing. My first uni friend who is a DW fan. I didn't even lead to that. We were talking about our writing and how I do sci-fi/fantasy and she said that she likes Doctor Who, which lead me to talking about my TARDIS keychain and my sonic screwdriver torch. and my box sets. She's even an old school fan....
Okay, she's from Darwin, too. Which is pretty cool. We spent awhile talking about he differences between our education systems (she may just think I am some kind of weird, hyperactive nerd. Lol)

uni, ramble, life

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