Jun 16, 2005 17:32
wow. i need to redue this LJ layout somtime soon (now im to lazy)
THE DUNES FUCKING ROCKED.even tho it was a little cold yesterday..me magz and liz managed to have fun. I'm a speedster up those sand dunes (l o n g l e g s).lol.Today we actually got a little sun,nicce.Yesterday we swam, even tho it was freezing (but we were full of clay from the clay wall), the waves were HUGE(to me at least). and today when we swam i could barely move cuz i was bombarted with waves.hehe..to me the dunes are like Egypt *does my egyption walk* hahahaha
o yes and i got some major sand burns on my boob, that hurt:(..dont ask.
yes so i had fun..and it was a great workout :)
im glad im going back tomm..with the lovely nicole.(hopefully it will be nice)
call\txt my cell, i finally got minutes! woot.