I am not sure there is anything

Mar 23, 2006 10:00

that can substitute this feeling of peace I had last night and this morning. I have never, EVER had this much sonic privacy and comfort in my life. I stayed up writing music. I didn't have to keep my voice down, there was no one to disturb. I played celtic music while I soaked in a candlelit bath. I woke up to the sound of my alarm and birds instead of cars honking or people talking and milling around the building. My new bed is like a cloud.

Even though there's some other crap things going on in my life, it's like having this base to work from makes you not really care so much. No wonder I have been a stress puppy for years...I never had much more than an ounce of peace at any time. They say peace should come from within, and I know that kind of peace, but it really helps when your living environment also gives you an advantage.

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