Oct 25, 2009 23:44
I hate when people don't know how to correctly use quotation marks.
I see quotation marks used incorrectly 90% of time. I distinctly remember the exact lesson I first had in late ELEMENTARY school where we first learned about how and when to use them. Apparently, a lot of people were either (A)educated in the south (where I hear they are 2-3 years behind the same grade level as a NY school which means a HS diploma in the south is really a 9th or 10th grade NY education, which means they possibly never got to covering this topic.) (B) they were out sick that day. or (C) they are just an idiot.
Also, no updates on my life. Still at my poopy job that I hate, still trying to get into nursing school, and Eric is still living in buffalo and looking for a job in rochester. My life NEVER changes!