Relay for Life

May 05, 2008 21:33

Cancer SUCKS!!!! I'm walking in Relay for Life on June 6th and would LOVE if you could please help us to raise money to help beat cancer. So far my team has raised almost $3,000...and we need $500 more to reach our goal. Please, even if you only have $1 to spare, that dollar is going towards a great cause. As some may know, last year my aunt and my cousin's husband were diagnosed with cancer with a couple weeks of each other. My aunt had throat cancer and my cousins husband had colon cancer at age 38-which is rare to get so young. Cancer can happen to anyone, at anytime,and thanks to some great advancements in medicine, both my relatives are cancer free and doing well today!

Here is my page to donate
Please Donate!
click on "make a gift to Lauren L" on the page under the little thermomator goal counter thingy.

Here is my teams main page, my aunt and cousin-in-law are also on it in the picture
My Team's Homepage

Thank you for anyone who can spare some change to help beat cancer!
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