
Aug 17, 2007 20:30

Isnt there some sort of romance in being poor as dirt? lol. Its kinda dramatic to have to struggle financially and shop at Salvation army  for clothes cuz you have to, not because you are just  trying to be a trendy suburbanite kid. Maybe it's cuz i'm still pretty young that it doesnt get me down and sometimes i actually prefer it to having lots of money. I wouldn't want to struggle alone, having Eric makes it all the better. There's something exciting about budgeting income, clipping coupons, and searching out sales. It helps me learn I think about life. About money. About working for everything you've got. It's so self satisfying to look around at the end of the day and say all of this is because of ME, not because of my parents money, or grandparents money, or my suger daddies money. Because of ME and my hardwork. It confirms that i can make it in the world, that i can be independant, that I dont have to depend on anyone if I needed too... i know many people that couldn't say that. I prefer this stuggle now versus being one of those peopel that's still getting an allowence from their parents at age 22 and having everything handed to them. It won't always be this way, I know that. And it'll be much more worth it in the end when i know i really earned it all myself. Myself. Life is stressful, but it doesnt suck. Not at all.
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