can you believe?

Jun 30, 2007 22:18

its July 1st, 2007 already? july! my birthday month. The month i look forward to all year is here and it makes me kinda sad because that means it'll soon be over and i'll have to wait a whole nother year for it to be here again. Oh also, not to mention that 2007 is halfway over already and i'm sad cuz my life is flying by. And i'll be 22 in 17 days and i just feel old.

I went to erics this weekend as usual. Friday i got there and we got food, went to a video store, then to the grocery store to get some beer lol. We were hanging out at his apt but then later on we got in a fight because his roommate was going to some party and he wanted to go, without me. When he first said it, i thought it wasnt a party but that his roommate was going to hang out with these 2 girls who had been texting him so i was like NO WAY, youre not gonna go there! And if you go i wont be here when you get back! But then i felt dumb cuz it wasnt that, it was a party. So his roommate left and he was pouting cuz he didnt go. He was like you ALWAYS partied back at your old apt at school (half true, id party when there was a party going on at my apt or across the hall, i never went OUT and at that time he wasnt drinking!) He was like i just want to effing hang out with some friends, play some beer pong, and hang out, god forbid i hang out with my friends! I was playing devil's advocate and i was like well eric if you dont want to be with me and just want to go out and party and leave me, and flirt then just dont be with me. And he was like WTH i want to be with you, you kidding,i just want to go to a party is all. He was like, babe you KNOW id never cheat on you and i love being with you, i just want to hang out with some friends!

The fight actually turned out good, cuz i went to the bathroom for like 5 mins and when i came back he was all smiles. Hes like me; cant fight long and once all the fighting is out, just want to be friends again. But it was kinda good we fought cuz we decided that next friday im gonna go out with some of my friends and hes gonna go out with some of his and then saturday i'll go there. I've been missing my friends so much lately. The Usu. Im glad because i just want to see them so bad, i never get to because i work all week and have to go to bed early and then on the weekends i go to eric's usually.

Saturday and today were good tho lol.  I bought him his birthday present today, an early present. I got him a cell from Blue Wireless, its like $19.99 a month for 3 months and then itll be $29.99, thats so cheap! and it works good. Only thing that sucks is since its small therye still growing and you can only make unlimited calls within the "region." Well Rochester  isnt in the region! Its dumb, theyre in the buffalo area but then lot of their "region" is small towns along the southern tier. Youd think theyd come to an actual metro area where theyd make a lot more money! But the guy working said he thinks the company is coming here soon, and that makes sense cuz i think ive been hearing ads here lately and they even have a store here now. So, he cant call me unless he paid $10 more a month to have unlimited long distance. He didnt so i can only call HIM now, he can text me tho. So lame.
And of course eric made friends with the guy working and the kid gave eric some flier for some hip hop show hes in and eric wants to check him out now. Erics in a band, if i forgot to mention, so they were chatting music. And then the kid threw in an extra battery for free.

He was nice to me the rest of the day too, lol he even gave me a massage when i asked, lol he never does. I ask now as a half-joke, so i was shocked when he said sure lol. And then he gave me some decent cuddle time too
I told him he better get me a bday present just as good, my bday is in like 3 weeks and his isnt for like 5 weeks but he needed a new phone now and it seemed like a good bday present to get him so i just got it early.

Anyway, now im home and missing him!! Im gonna go get him on wednesday (i have it off for the holiday) cuz hes gonna help my cousin paint his house, and hes getting paid to do it. I gotta take him back the same day tho which sucks so i wont really even get to see him!
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