This time next month

Apr 11, 2007 00:40

will be the eve of my college graduation!! Wow. Where does the time go? Didn't I just graduate from high school? I feel so old. I feel like it was just last week that I was running around as a little high schooler. I feel like yesterday I was starting my first day of my college career and meeting all the new people. And now it's all over. What the heck, since when did time start going by SO fast?

I'm going to a career fair at the doubletree Inn in Henrietta tomorrow and theres like 80 different employers that are going to be there and a lot of them seem like things i could do. hopefully this will provide some leads. i'm getting a little nervous about finding a job. I'm so broke right now too, I cant wait till I'm bringing in a steady income. I'll have student loans to pay back but its not like bad, i start paying next january and its like $120/month. My loans are nothing compared to what my sisters will be! Thank god for SUNY colleges.  At least i have no real debt, like credit cards and stuff.

Oh and NY state has raped me with fines for my stop sign ticket. i dont want to talk about it, but it has REALLY made me want to look into moving out of NY cuz i hate it here, the weather sucks, and they take all your money.

I missed Katies party on Friday and i'm pretty depressed about it still. i was REALLY looking forward to it. I wanted to party with all my friends again like old times. I needed some party with the Usu time. Plus it was going to be crazy fun (which i know it was!) Im so sad. It started blizzarding (wtf its APRIL) and Eric told me it was crazy to try ad drive in, which i knew it was cuz well, frankly i was terrified to travel in it too, but still. I wanted to be there. I started tearing up a bit for real, especially when i called and heard everyone and i just wanted to be there too! I wish i had been up in rochester for the afternoon and then i wouldnt have had blizzard mess here in geneseo and then i could have gone to the party. I was down here though waiting for Eric to get here after he got out of work. Blah blah blah.

Eric and I are doing well. I miss him SO much during the week though, living 1.5 hours apart freaken SUCKS (he lives in hamburg) He comes fri nights and leaves sunday afternoons which means we get 1 full day together a week. I live for the weekends, its kinda sad. He's looking into moving to rochester which i really want him to do cuz then i can see him more. i cant believe we've been dating for 2 months already. Lol i know thats not *that* long but what i mean is, it's gone by fast! Ive been eating way too much shit food while he's here though. We've gotten pizza hut cheesy bite pizza every weekend for the last month, not to mention countless fast foods. I need to start eating healthier. Boyfriends always fatten me up cuz they are skinny bottomless pits who can eat whatever they want. And then when i try to eat like they do...i blow up. I need to go buy some celery or something.
Look how cute: (yes thats my ratty hair in the background)

The End.
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