Dont forget me

Feb 07, 2007 02:31

I'm still alive and still here. Things are ok. Not much is new. I started my last semester of college. That's kinda crazy. It's not that hard this semester but I'm lazy and sick of school. I actually suddenly have papers due and some tests so thats exciting. I know next year i'll probably be whining about how much i miss college, but for now let me whine about how i wish it was over. Let me have my wishy washyness.
 I'm broke as broke could be, haven't been this poor in a while. I've started working for work-study but i won't be paid for another 2 weeks and she always forgets to turn my time sheets in so it probably be for another month. Sucks so bad. I need to find a job for when i graduate, if anyone knows of anything in the Rochester/Buffalo area let me know.  I'm going to be a college grad on welfare.  Except not cuz  i'd need to get married or pop out a baby for that cuz they don't give welfare to singles.
I've discovered V8 Fusion. Its so good. Try it...8 oz give you 1 serving of veggies and 1 serving of fruit and it tastes good like normal juice. I buy the light kind and its only 50 calories too.  Strawberry Banana is good. I wish the bottles they gave you were bigger though. So there's that. I also got a free blood gluclose meter in the mail....cuz i'm an old lady. I checked my blood right after i ate and everything was normal with my glucose levels. No diabetes for me in case you were wondering.
What's up with this weather? Its like the artic trek everytime i go outside. I hate having to walk everywhere in this weather. I've definatly skipped a few classes lately cuz i just don't wanna go out in it.  I'm so grumpy right now. I think its cuz i'm sick of everything and want a big change (a GOOD big change, not a bad one). Well I'm going to go read and then go to bed.... tomrrows a long day. I'll prob get up at 10 go to work and then class and wont get back till 9 at night.
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