would it be crazy for me to say life's really turning around now? i'm really excited for the rest of this year and perhaps what lies beyond.i am and will finally able to truly do the things i have always been wanting to do: there is research & hopefully eventually publication, jazzzz singing (really drowning in seas of love), serving and leading a bible study group and most recently, serving (acting and singing) in a musical.honestly never thought that i'll land up in one of the bigger roles cause...i didn't think my acting is anywhere near "good".before i stepped in, all i told myself and prayed that i'll sing my best and as for the acting part of the audition i'll just "see how it goes". for some strange reason, things turned out to be entirely different. i actually did emote for the acting portion (told my cousin that i really felt like i became her during the auditions) but my singing sounded extremely strained and off from the moment i opened my mouth- the worst voice i ever heard myself produce (save for croaky morning voices). i was just expecting a really small role, or a dance role (the audition for that went well, i think) but apparently, He wants me to step up and do something bigger (and more nerve-wrecking).
no matter what, it's really such a blessing to serve and be part of His larger plans. i am still all "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO ACT! i only know how to do stupid things with my cousin but not real acting??" still, if He brings me to it, He will see me through it.
anyhow, enough about me. this musical special and relevant in that it explores suffering and of hope, a theme i reckon most will be able to relate to. this is the official website:
http://www.lastdaysofrobertwong.com.sg/ do take a look!!
(and if you happen to see a certain sweaty girl who looks extremely exhausted and dishevelled in one of the pictures, i am letting you know now that i also have a fraternal twin, and she is ugly and her face is there because it is fitting of the whole suffering theme)