Pic!Spam & Updatey-ness

Aug 02, 2009 16:45

It's been a long time coming, but here at last....I present baby bird pic!spam!

I took this a day or two after they hatched, back in June. Brown Thrasher hatchlings.

After the first flash, they responded enthusiastically. Feed me, no me, no ME!! I teetered on an 8 ft ladder to take this pic, all the while the annoyed parents dive bombed me, but I got the pics!!

Took this shot about a week later. They were employing the "We're pretending to be asleep so you'll go away" trick.
Aren't they so cute?

I tried to take another pic about a week later, but they were gone. I hope they fledged, and weren't found by a predator. I pretty much convinced myself that they fledged...safe and sound. *crosses fingers*

Seems like an age since I've updated. Things have been so crazy busy, but at least they are pretty much back to a normal crazy busy. Here's a quick run down...

My MIL's broken knee is healing well. She'll need physical therapy for another couple of months, but that's all part of the process. She's gone back to work, but doesn't like to drive herself as it still causes quite a bit of discomfort to control the pedals. FIL's work schedule has calmed down though, so he's able to take her where she needs to go most of the time.

I also still have projects at work, but can now at least see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm planning on spending a day with my Mom later this week, it's long overdue!

I got a new cell phone, and I love it. It's a Samsung Impression. I patiently waited until I was eligible for an upgrade to get a qwerty keyboard phone, and now I finally have it. I really like that this phone is touch screen capable, and also has a slide out keyboard. I don't care for touch screen keyboards, as I prefer to be able to feel the keys. I ordered a white silicone skin for my phone, which turned out to be an epic fail. It was horrid, and fit...or rather didn't fit...my phone like a loose sock. After that disappointment, I ordered this snap-on cover. Isn't it shiny? I have a decided weakness for anything with bling. :)

I went to see Transformers 2 with angstchic. We had lots of fun, but I must say I was surprised by the amount of language the movie had in it. It was also more sexualized. Quite a bit of gratuitous, barely-clothed-females in sexually provocative posing, slow-motion-with-excess-lipgloss, and all-college-girls-want-sex, scenes. Caused my eyebrows to go into orbit more than once. Still, once I got past those parts, it had some very witty dialogue and of course, fabulous special effects. Still, I wouldn't take my kids to see it, not unless they were old enough to drive, and maybe even vote. :P

Recently I went for that joy of all joys in the female world, a mammogram. Which I liken to placing one's breast under a garage door and lowering it. What sucks is that I've got to go back for a "closer look" at an "oval" mass that was detected in one of my x-rays. May also have to get a sonogram done on it. Now, I'm trying not to get too worried about it, as it could be nothing. But, still. Hearing that there is a mass in your breast is nerve-wracking. I'm extremely short on details, as I don't know which breast it's located in, or how big it is, but I'm scheduled to go back in on Friday, so at least I don't have to wait long to get more info. If you don't mind, say a prayer for me that it'll turn out to be nothing, ok? Thank you very much, in advance.

So that's what's been going on in my world. How about you? I hope you're all well, dear flist.

*hugs flist*

family, life in general, movies, health, pic!spam, mom

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