A Mixed Bag

May 05, 2008 20:09

Since I last posted, there's been a mix of goings on.

A few weeks ago my MIL & FIL's 11 year old rottie (Max) became lame in a hind leg. The vet said it appeared to be some sort of nerve damage, and that nothing could be done. Within a week he began wasting away at a rapid pace. He became lethargic and my MIL decided that he needed to be put to sleep. Last week, when my FIL attempted to pick him up to take him to the vet, he snapped at him in severe pain.

I checked with our vet, and told my MIL the vet said he could come out to their house when she was ready to have him put to sleep. She made the appointment, but knew she couldn't handle being there. My Hubby was away working, so I stayed with my FIL so he wouldn't be alone. I've never been present to put an animal to sleep. It was heartbreaking, and so very hard to be there when it was being done. I petted Max the entire time. Told him how much we loved him, and what a good boy he was. I cried, & my FIL cried. It's just so hard to say goodbye. When he received the first shot, he looked at me, as if saying "thank you". It was as if the pain he was in faded away as he relaxed. The vet then administered the second shot. Thankfully, it was all very peaceful, and quick. After Max had slipped away, the vet examined his leg - which had begun to show a swelling in the past couple of days - and said it was definitely cancer. Very agressive too, since he didn't have that growth only a few weeks ago. He said we did the right thing, because he was most likely in constant pain.

My poor MIL was so upset about having to make the decision, but knowing that she made the right choice made her feel so much better. It made all of us feel a little bit better knowing that he wasn't suffering anymore. He's running and jumping in doggie heaven now. We still miss him, all the same. :(

I've been working on painting the trim and doors in my house white. It's a process, and I'm here to tell you that sitting on the floor painting baseboard for 6 hours will make your back hurt like crazy! I still have quite a way to go, but I'm pacing myself. I'm determined not to wear myself out with this project.

angstchic and I had a huge garage sale Sat. It's the one we had to postpone last Nov. because I got the flu. We did fairly well, and I managed to donate everything that was left to the son of a neighbor so there was no packing up of anything. YAY!!!! Both 
angstchic and I are so happy that we are done with this, and that we didn't kill ourselves too badly in the process of preparing for it.

After wrapping up the garage sale, I spent the rest of the weekend catching up on housework and laundry. Amazing how quickly things pile up when you are working on other things.

Lost Episode 9: 
I actually felt sorry for Ben when Alex was killed. I cried tears people! I never thought in a million years I'd feel sorry for Ben. Also, kinda freaking about how he popped up in the Iraqi desert like that. Makes me think the polar bear was an experiment. Sent back to the past to see if it worked. Time traveling Ben...freaky! Have decided Sayid has the world's crappiest luck with love/women. Anyone he loves is gonna end up dying. Poor guy.

Lost Episode 10:
Jate = *gags* Why o' why do they keep bouncing Kate between Sawyer & Jack? So annoyed, so v. annoyed. I was really liking Jacket, but no. They have to squash the hope of that like a sickly little bug. *glares* Will go down a flaming Skate shipper till the bitter end. So there.

Still really enjoying this season. Yay!

Moonlight Episode 13:
Mick is funny. "I'm going to have to chase this guy? Crap." I like how Meth is finally been "declared". How cool that Mick gave up being human to save "his Beth". Cooler still that Josef turned him back and then they went and kicked some serious butt. There was Meth kissage which is a good thing. Yep.

Moonlight Episode 14:
Mick & Beth trying to date. Cute, and funny. Beth going to Josef about the creepy stalker photo taking dude? Cool. Josef stared at Beth's mouth. A lot. I thought he was going to smooch her for certain. I'm seeing that I'm not adverse to Bosef either. Hmmm. The new boss at Buzz Wire? Hated him. I'm glad that Beth quit.

Still enjoying my new vampire show. Yay!

Oh, and still no new bluebird nests. Wah.

*hugs flist*

family, life in general, friends, lost, moonlight

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