knooqi ,
lelymarques ,
ohfreckle ,
worship_elle ,
cooloring ,
reyesphile ,
peclaire ,
seldomspeaking ,
threeeyespei ,
teelke ,
cielo_gris ,
samelthecamel ,
ssaya ,
dactyliotheca ,
nightglitters ,
blackxlullaby ,
pois_rouge ,
letos ,
electrical_s ,
t00tsy ,
janine83 ,
value FONT
Dafont I find caps/celeb images at random sites (googling) but still some of them:
othcaps ,
screencap-paradise ,
homeofthenutty ,
leavemethewhite ,
youknowyouloveme my layout by=>
causefire my moodtheme by=>
feelthis locked banner =>
headphonesbaby userinfo banner =>
did i forget you?! write here and i'll add you asap.=)