Jun 10, 2008 05:49

We don't get along well; the dog and I. He poops where he's not supposed to, I cry and beg him to STOP. He won't eat his food. He hasn't eaten much at all, in fact. I fed him a part of an english muffin and some lunchmeat tonight because ONCE AGAIN he made his mouth bleed by biting at the bars on his kennel. He doesn't do any of this when Ryan is here! Ryan GETS dogs, he understands them.

I understand CATS. Cats are self-explanatory. They purr when they like it, they give you lovey eyes. If they don't like it, they hiss or scratch or just give you the glare of death. They do their own thing. They shit in a box. They can sit on the furniture without getting it all dirty. I understand cats!!!

It's only two more weeks til Ryan is finally, finally home. Until then I'm fucked.

(I'm going to call the vet tomorrow and ask 1) what kind of food Bio might eat, 2) how to stop him from gnawing the cage -- the bitter apple spray did not work --, 3) if there is anything I can do about his bloody gums, and 4) why Bio has diarrhea today -- I'm hoping its only because he ate cat food last night, which is Ryan's opinion, and that he isn't sick or anything (We just got done with his ear infection!!!)

**Big Sigh**

Things are really ok.  I'm happy, Radar is happy... if I understood dogs I'd tell you whether Bio was happy but all he does is look at me stupidly then lick his ass. I can get through two weeks. The worst that can happen is rug stains, which I've been lucky so far, and even then my mother has a steam cleaner we can borrow.

other half, i rox, pets, bio, disaster, radar

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