May 13, 2005 00:43
So, I find myself constantly going into these consciousless states. Daydreaming sans the dream. We were watching a little movie, in PoliSci, about the Florida 2000 election debacle, and I honestly don't remember seeing any of it. That's at least a half hour of lost time right there. It sucked worse when Dr. Hassouna wanted us to right a quick response essay/freewrite about our thoughts on the matter. Good thing it's easy to bullshit about a bullshit topic, though.
I don't know. Is this a warning sign of ADD or something? Is my mind asserting its right to a summer break? Fux0r that. I'll teach the sonofabitch to try and rebel like that (maybe that's the ulterior motive behind the invention of the q-tip).
Hm. I fell asleep today for nearly a full six hours after class. I guess the concept of a single class per day is just throwing off my internal equilibrium. But at any rate, I'm still tired. I only woke up because my roommate got back from work and needed help bringing up some groceries (I hate him for forgetting the sour cream, by the way). Then I took a shower, and here I am now. So I guess I'll be heading back to bed, because I do whatever my body tells me to do afterall.