(no subject)

Jun 08, 2004 18:16

ok, so ive been thinking a lot about life well my life and how i could make it better. this is what ive came up w\
1.find new friends - did that kayla, morgan,devin, and justin.
2.try not to think negitive. - easer said then done
3.try to think that there is something to live for - like friends.
4.try to keep bissy - not working
5.try to be happy - when the only thing u want to do is cry
6.get more involved w\ friends - working!
7.put on a hppy face - doing it but not working
8.find some where i will fit in - w\ kayla and devin and morgan and justin.
9.be around my fav. music - if i did not have that i would lose it.
and 10.stop caring - i think my proble is i care to much.
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