Dec 09, 2005 01:20

i just had to drive home in 4 inches of powder...25 on the mutherfuckin e-way....i miss the old days when someone lived a 1/2 mile from me. it took 1/2 hour for me to get home tonight while clinching my steering wheel for dear life...i actually thought while driving, "wow this may be the end of me". i am normally a good driver in the snow (i delivered pizza the last 2 winters in snow) but this was scary. the shitty thing is that if i were to just stay there for the night, i'd get in trouble because i spent the night with al. despite the horrible weather conditions. hmmmm....have our daughter sleep by a boy (whom she's already gone on like 10 vacations with) or kill herself driving home in a blizzard.

in other news,
next week is my last week of school, finally i can sleep in two days a week. i was really happy with this semester though. i think i have 2 a's and a b. it's funny how much better you do when you find something you like...when i had all my gen eds' i got like b's, c's, and even d's because i hated it and didn't care! so thanks again to sam gaft; he is the awesome psych teacher i had almost 2 years ago. he was the one who recommended me to my program and said i would love it. well sammy i do love it, and i realize now how much i appreciate his help. i may have never found my program otherwise and would still be miserable in some sort of general study.

in other news,
i made up with an old friend this week from a falling out we had last year sometime. it feels nice to be at peace. we both have kept a high respect for one another which is what i think made it so easy to reunite..i missed ya!
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